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Did you know that Jennifer Garner has 7 beehives?

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 22/8/2018 10:33:00
Tags: celebrities;beekeeping;MarthaStewart;

On Martha Stewart’s show, Jennifer Garner is telling about bees on her 3 acres home farm. If you don't want to watch the whole video, you can skip to 20:32
Well and Good has an interview with Garner in which she discusses her family traditions, revolving around farming, beekeeping and eating whole foods. “We have bee hives in our yard, my kids have their bee suits and like to get involved with it all—it’s so fun, it’s like a living science experiment. In our garden, we grow tons of fruits and vegetables and we’re so lucky to live where we live, because we can grow almost anything—we can’t stop planting new things!”

Also on her Instagram profile she is showing off her beekeeping skills and she is doing apsolutely great.

We love that more and more celebrities are looking into bees and share their importance for humans and nature. Join us on International Bee Station to save the bees.

Да се биде во близина на вода е добро за вашиот мозок

Медот ќе го направи секого среќен. Кемпферол и кверцетин се присутни во медот, го подобруваат здравјето на мозокот, и влијааат на намалување на воспалението во мозокот.

Water Makes You Happier and Healthier

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 2/7/2018 12:17:00
Tags: water;nerve;calm;relax;brain;honey
Honey will make anyone happy. Kaempferol and quercetin are two properties present in honey that improve the health of the brain as well as reduce inflammation in the brain.

Can you imagine Chuck Norris as a beekeeper?

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 21/6/2018 11:55:00
Tags: celebrity;beekeeper;ChuckNorris
Chuck Norris talks about the importance of the honeybees

How to Rid of Negative Thoughts

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 28/5/2018 12:33:00
Tags: infographic;anxiety;stress;health;mind

Yoga or Pilates

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 8/2/2018 11:11:00
Tags: infographic;workout;honey;yoga;pilates
Which practice is for you?

Три причини да подарите мед

6 Работи Што Секој Претприемач Може Да Ги Научи Од Пчелите

Сега сигурно си мислите, што може да научам од инсект? Од мисија, до делегација, до обука, многу може да се научи за водењето бизнис од пчелите.

6 Things Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Honey Bees

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 27/11/2017 11:45:00
Tags: honeybees;motivation;teamwork;leader;queen;drones;organisation
Now you may be thinking, what in the world can I learn from an insect? From mission, to delegation, to training, a lot can be learned about running a business from the bees.

5 Hobbies that can make you smarter

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 28/10/2016 10:48:00
Tags: infographics;brain;smart;hobby;pinocembrin
Did You Know? Honey Helps Your Brain

What to Take on a Weekend Camping Trip

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 28/6/2016 11:40:00
Tags: camping;tent;outside;mountain;checklist;mountainsummer
We cover a comfortable camping checklist

Што да се спакува за викенд кампување?

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 28/6/2016 11:05:00
Tags: camping;tent;outside;mountain;checklist;mountainsummer
За Вас подготвивме листа на работи потребни за удобно кампување
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