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Yoga or Pilates

Published by in 05. Lifestyle · 8/2/2018 11:11:00
Tags: infographic;workout;honey;yoga;pilates
Pilates and Yoga are both popular forms of studio-based exercise but which one is most suited to you and your goals? The following infographic provides a summary of many of the core concepts, philosophies and benefits of both Yoga and Pilates. 

Honey does double duty after a workout, said researchers from the University of Memphis. It helps athletes to maintain optimal blood sugar levels, and it aids in muscle recovery post-training. Sweet!

Post - ride smoothie

Published by in 07. Cocktails & smoothies · 20/11/2017 12:22:00
Tags: smoothie;workout;cycling;banana;honey;energy;recovery;easy;muscles
Bee better smootie Honey does double duty after a workout, said researchers from the University of Memphis. It helps athletes to maintain optimal blood sugar levels, and it aids in muscle recovery post-training.
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