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How to stay safe on the slopes

Published by Macedonian Honey in 10. Winter/summer sports · 21/12/2015 11:09:00
Tags: safefunfitnessslopesholidaywinterwarmuprespectcontrol

You’ve been counting down to your ski holiday for months. Are you ready to embrace the slopes this winter?  There are plenty of ways to reduce - but not eliminate - the danger.
Check out these tips on how to prepare for ski season so you can make it your best one yet.

  •  Warming up
Raising your general level of fitness before the holiday will help you get the most out of it. Think about all areas of your fitness which includes flexibility, strength, endurance and agility. The predominant areas used in snowsports are legs but don’t ignore cardiovascular activities or upper body.

  •  Behaviour
Skiing and snowboarding are fun sports, but if you are fearful or scared, your risk of injury will significantly increase. You will be at your most fatigued on day three of the ski trip. So pace yourself, do not overdo it. Recognize when you need a rest on the slopes.

  • Don’t forget the rucksack
Mountains and the weather are fickle things and while the chances of your first ski vacation being ruined by, or you being caught by a blizzard or avalanche are very slim, it is best to be prepared. You can have a change of / and extra clothes in a rucksack – or somewhere to put some that you are wearing if the weather gets warmer.Always carry a drink, a snack, a sunscreen and a lip balm

  • Never ski or board off-piste alone and avoid slopes beyond your ability

The International Ski Federation (FIS) has developed 'Rules of Conduct' that apply to all who use the pistes - regardless of what equipment they're using.  This code helps everyone to stay safe on the slopes, and should be followed at all times.

1.   Respect: Do not endanger others
2.   Control: Adapt the manner and speed of your skiing to your ability and to the general conditions on the mountain
3.   Choice of route: The skier/snowboarder in front has priority - leave enough space
4.   Overtaking: Leave plenty of space when overtaking a slower skier/snowboarder
5.   Entering and starting: Look up and down the mountain each time before starting or entering a marked run
6.   Stopping: Only stop at the edge of the piste or where you can easily be seen.
7.   Climbing: When climbing up or down, always keep to the side of the piste.
8.   Signs: Obey all signs and markings - they are there for your safety
9.   Assistance: In case of accidents provide help and alert the rescue service
10. Identification: All those involved in an accident, including witnesses, should exchange names and addresses

No matter when or where you go for your big mountain ski experience, make enough memories for a lifetime.

Staying Safe during Hunting Season

Published by in 03. Hiking · 13/11/2015 09:00:00
Tags: hikinghikerstipshuntingsafe
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